Unlock Tana
by CombiningMinds
Overview of course topics and structure
Naming conventions and workflow principles
The information management life-cycle
The four activities involved in managing information and their non-linear interplay -> Input, Organize, Retrieve, Output
The mindset shift towards mental associations for effective input, retrieval, and organization
Tana's features for efficient information management
Daily node and frictionless information capture
Quick thought structuring with outliner functionality
Rapid organization with supertags and fields
Referencing existing information through search nodes and multi-panel display
Embedding or referencing existing nodes
Becoming comfortable with the user interface
Where to find information in Tana
Formatting of node bullets
Defaulting to the daily node
Getting used to everything being a node
Referencing nodes
Node reference numbers
The basics of selecting and moving nodes
Keyboard shortcuts for navigation and quick access
Configuring windows
Indenting nodes
Collapsing and expanding nodes
Re-ordering nodes
General commands for adding details
Other helpful commands
Understand how outliners work, including hierarchy, collapsing and expanding, zooming, and sequencing information
Learn about relationships between nodes in an outliner, including parent, child, and sibling nodes
Introduction to supertags and their utility in structuring information and adding metadata
Learn how to add supertags and configure fields, including adding fields in templates and using fields instead of bullets
Understand how to extend supertags and inherit their structure
Explore the value of fields and semantic triples in building connections and structure
Learn about different types of fields, including user configurable and system fields
Understand field options and auto-initializing, including auto-initializing to current date or user
Configure options that use fields in the supertag menu, such as checkbox and building title from fields.
Developing an effective approach to input and organize your information
Defining your own ontology in Tana
Building recursively using fields with semantic functions and extended supertags
Examples of information to organize
Good practices for input and organization
Important node operations
Using the mobile Tana Capture app for input
Developing an effective approach for retrieving information in Tana
Using Tana's different views: list, table, cards, tabs, and calendar
Using search nodes
Introduction to search nodes and how to create and configure them
Using Boolean logic in search nodes
Search node operators: system fields, LT, GT, LINKS_TO, CHILD_OF, OWNED_BY
Searching recursively by adding COMPONENTS_REC
Additional live search operations and tips: duplicating search nodes, moving nodes with live searches, organizing sidebars
Building dashboards
Thinking in funnels and workbenches
Using high-level nodes, tabs view, and search nodes within supertags
Organizing your sidebars
Providing an awareness of features and limitations
Executing actions in Tana, creating and running commands, with examples
Tips and tricks: aggregating commands, using emojis, helpful commands to be aware of
Using AI in Tana
Introduction to AI functionality and connecting API key
Using "Ask AI" command with simple and complex examples
Building custom prompts: creating custom prompts, prompt workbench, important configuration possibilities
Setting up your personal system in Tana with #tasks
, #ideas
, #projects
, and others
Topics touched on:
Introduction to working with different workspaces and sharing content
Setting up day tags when creating new workspace
Adding or removing workspaces from side bar
Adding "assigned to" fields for users
Using naming conventions for easy tag identification
Example of search node for project statuses